a building with balconies and balconies on it
a building with balconies and balconies on it

How We Can Help

Archfield Residences' main aim is to help landlords be alleviated from the stress of dealing with the tasks of being a landlord. We help our clients see beyond the means of their existing situations, and help them earn more whilst worrying less.

We currently offer landlord services and property management for Agents and Landlords. For Guests we offer stays in our serviced accommodation units in order to help our clients find a place to call home as seamlessly and painlessly as possible whilst on trips. We value our customers above everything else, meaning that we won't take 'OK' as an answer. It's in Archfield's DNA to excel and over achieve

Lets work together


Already operating in an area and looking to expand? Team up with us in a joint venture and reduce the amount of upfront capital, stress and labour you have to put in by 50%


Interested in getting involved but don’t know where to start? Invest with us and we'll handle everything on your behalf whilst you watch the money come in